Code source de sudoku.sudoku

.. module:: sudoku
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: oop's method of solving sudoku

.. moduleauthor:: Robert J. Hwang <>

import sys
import copy
import itertools
import traceback
import time
import os

# global variable
methodLoopIdx = 0  # the index of the methods loops
methodIdx = 0  # the method idx which run now
checkPos = None  # set this varible, if you want to make an exception when this position has been set
writeDownAlready = False  # if the every un-assigned positions have been writen down their possible number?
emulatePossibles = 2  # to set the possibles when using emulate method, for both positions and numbers
tryStack = []  # the try Stack
tryIdx = 0
tryUse = True
emuUse = True
Scope = 0  # the scope of difficult level
Level = 0  # the level Limit, 0 means no limit
NowPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

ACTION_SET = 's'  # action of set number
ACTION_REDUCE = 'r'  # action of reduce number
WRITEN_POSSIBLE_LIMITS = 3  # When a position's possible numbers <= this numer,
# it will be assume that it's possible number has been writen down for a human,
# 0 is same as 9 means no any limit
ACTION_GET_INFO = False  # if want to get the info of an action,
# those can be re-played by the info to describe the action
SCAN_ONE_NUMBER = True  # in the methods of scanning numbers, use this to scan only one number
SCAN_ALL_NUMBER = False  # in the methods of scanning numbers, use this to scan all numbers
SCAN_DEF_BEGIN = 1  # in the methods of scanning number, the default begin number
METHOD_DEF_BEGIN = 0  # the default idx of a serial methods to start
METHOD_FILL_LAST = 0  # the idx of the method of filling the last position in a group
METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS = 1  # the idx of the method of check obvious numbers
METHOD_WRITE_POSSIBLE = 4  # the method which write down all possible numbers in the positions
DEBUG_MODE = True  # it is in the debug mode?
CHECK_MORE_OBVIOUS = True  # When a postion will be setting in a method, does check it for more obvious way?
METHOD_BASIC_LEVEL = 7  # Basic methods
METHOD_EMULATE_START = 8  # the emulate method begin idx
METHOD_USE_TRY = True  # the default of using try method or not
METHOD_USE_EMU = False  # the default of using emulator
METHOD_LEVEL_LIMIT_WHENTRY = 2  # if start using try, set the level limit to use

[docs]class SudokuError(Exception): """An exception when x, y can't be set or reduce to or form the number v t: is the type: 's' means set, 'r' means reduce""" def __init__(self, x, y, v, t): self.x = x self.y = y self.v = v self.t = t
[docs]class SudokuDone(Exception): """An exception When the table has been filled 81 positions""" def __init__(self, x, y, v): self.x = x self.y = y self.v = v
[docs]class SudokuStop(Exception): """An exception When the the record number >= recLimit""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class SudokuWhenPosSet(Exception): """An exception When the position, checkPos, has been set, and program want to setit""" def __init__(self, x, y, v): self.x = x self.y = y self.v = v
[docs]class Point: """A Position in a Sudoku's table""" def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.v = 0 self.possible = list(i for i in range(1, 10)) self.writen = False # does the position's possible number has been writen by man self.b = int(x / 3) * 3 + int(y / 3) # the box index which this position belong to def __repr__(self): return "p({0},{1})".format(self.x + 1, self.y + 1)
[docs] def can_see(self, p1): """this position can see p1? the value can't be 3 or 7 it means the same pos rtn: 0: can't see p1 1: can see it in x line 2: can see it in y line 4: can see it in the box""" if self == p1: return -1 rtn = 0 if self.x == p1.x: rtn += 1 if self.y == p1.y: rtn += 2 if self.b == p1.b: rtn += 4 return rtn
[docs] def can_see_those(self, posList): """check this position can see which positions in the posList, a [(x, y),...] list""" rtn = [] for x, y in posList: if self.x == x and self.y == y: continue if x == self.x or y == self.y: rtn.append((x, y)) return rtn
class GroupBase: def __init__(self, idx, p): self.idx = idx self.p = p self.filled = 0 self.possible = list(i for i in range(1, 10)) self.chain = [] # store this group's chain positions def allow(self, v): """check the group can be filled the number(v)?""" for p1 in self.p: if p1.v == v: return False return True def get_num_pos(self, v): """get the position of a group which have been filled the number(v)""" rtn = None for p1 in self.p: if p1.v == v: rtn = p1 break return rtn def count_num_possible(self, count=1): """get the un-assigned position in this group, and possible numbers only in [count] postions return: [(num,[p1, p2...]),...]""" rtn = [] # count all possible number in to c and pos list, c is the times it show in the posiiton, # p records which positions c = list(0 for x in range(9)) pos = list([] for x in range(9)) for p1 in self.get_all_pos(method="u"): for num in p1.possible: c[num - 1] += 1 pos[num - 1].append(p1) # get all the times = count for i in range(9): if c[i] == count: rtn.append((i + 1, pos[i])) return rtn def get_all_pos(self, diff=[], method="a", num=0, notInLineX=None, notInLineY=None, chain=None, possibles=None): """ get position list in this group diff: exclude the positions in it method: a: all, s:has assigned, u:not assigned num: if method is u and set the number to 1-9, will get all possible pos which are possible to be assigned the num notInLineX: exclude the x line's positions notInLineY: exclude the y line's positions chain: if set, check it, if it is True, just get the chain positions, or get the un-chained postitions possibles: if method="u" and possibles!=None, it will only get the possible set's length = possibles """ rtn = [] lGetOtherThan = len(diff) > 0 for p1 in self.p: if (method == "u" and p1.v != 0) or (method == "s" and p1.v == 0): continue if lGetOtherThan and p1 in diff: continue if num != 0 and method == "u" and num not in p1.possible: continue if p1.x == notInLineX or p1.y == notInLineY: continue if chain is not None: if (chain and p1 not in self.chain) or (not chain and p1 in self.chain): continue if possibles and method == "u": if len(p1.possible) != possibles: continue rtn.append(p1) return rtn
[docs]class LineX(GroupBase): """Line of X""" def __repr__(self): rtn = "" for x in self.p: rtn += "{0:3d}\n".format(x.v) return rtn
[docs]class LineY(GroupBase): """Line of Y""" def __repr__(self): rtn = "" for x in self.p: rtn = rtn + "{0:3d}".format(x.v) return rtn
[docs]class Box(GroupBase): """Box""" def __init__(self, idx, p): super(Box, self).__init__(idx, p) x = int(idx / 3) y = idx % 3 # record all the box's related boxes self.effects = set() self.effectsX = set() # x-direction's effect boxes self.effectsY = set() # y-direction's effect boxes for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if (i == x and j != y) or (i != x and j == y): idx = i * 3 + j self.effectsX.add(idx) if i == x else self.effectsY.add(idx) self.effects.add(idx) self.groupnumber = set() # record the box's group number def __repr__(self): rtn = "" for i in range(3): for j in range(3): p1 = self.p[j * 3 + i] rtn = rtn + "{0:3d}".format(p1.v) rtn += "\n" return rtn
[docs] def get_group_number(self, num, pos=[], notInLineX=None, notInLineY=None): """if the unassigned num in this box which it's all possible positions have the same direction, we call it as a GroupNumber""" if len(pos) <= 0: pos = super(Box, self).get_all_pos(num=num, method="u", notInLineX=notInLineX, notInLineY=notInLineY) amt = len(pos) if amt < 2 or amt > 3: return None # check the first two position and decide the direction if pos[0].x == pos[1].x: idx = pos[0].x direction = "x" elif pos[0].y == pos[1].y: idx = pos[0].y direction = "y" else: return None # if there is three possible position, check it if amt > 2: if not (pos[2].x == idx if direction == "x" else pos[2].y == idx): return None # record the number self.groupnumber.add(num) return GroupNumber(self.idx, num, pos, direction, idx)
[docs]class GroupNumber(): """Group Number in Box""" def __init__(self, b, num, p, direction, idx): self.b = b # box idx self.num = num # 1..9 self.p = p # the positions' list which form a group number self.direction = direction # "x": as a x-line's number, "y": as a y-line's number self.idx = idx # x-line or y-line's index def __repr__(self): rtn = "GroupNumber({0}) in box({1}) formed by {2} at line-{3}({4})".format(self.num, self.b, repr(self.p), self.direction, self.idx) return rtn
[docs]class Number: """Number Object""" def __init__(self, v): self.v = v self.p = list() self.filled = 0 = [] # store the GroupNumber info def __repr__(self): return repr(self.p)
[docs] def setit(self, p1): """save assigned position in the p list""" self.p.append(p1) self.filled += 1
[docs] def can_see_by_group_number(self, p1): """Check if the position, p1, can be seen of all this number's group number" return: gn if can be seen by it, or None""" if len( <= 0: return None for gn in if gn.b == p1.b: # at the same box continue if (gn.direction == "x" and p1.x == gn.idx) or (gn.direction == "y" and p1.y == gn.idx): return gn return None
[docs]class Chain: """A chain of two and above positions which are not in the same box but in the same line and can form a chain, means the possible number in this chain positions only can be filled in these positions""" def __init__(self, numList, posList): self.numList = numList self.posList = posList #self.direction = "x" if posList[0].x == posList[1].x else "y" #self.idx = posList[0].x if self.direction == "x" else posList[0].y def __repr__(self): return "chain({0} in Pos({1})".format(self.numList, self.posList)
[docs]class Matrix: """A Table of a Sudoku""" def __init__(self, file=""): self.rec = [] # record all the steps, # element's format is (x, y, v, t, d), t="s"|"r", d="Description String" self.filled = 0 # record how many numbers have been assigned in this table self.done = False # if solved or not self.error = False # if there is an error occurs self.lineX = list([] for i in range(9)) self.lineY = list([] for i in range(9)) self.b = list([] for i in range(9)) self.p = list(list(Point(y, x) for x in range(9)) for y in range(9)) self.n = list([] for i in range(10)) for i in range(9): self.lineX[i] = LineX(i, list(self.p[i][j] for j in range(9))) for i in range(9): self.lineY[i] = LineY(i, list(self.p[j][i] for j in range(9))) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): idx = i * 3 + j self.b[idx] = Box(idx, list(self.p[3 * i + x][3 * j + y] for x in range(3) for y in range(3))) for i in range(1, 10): # the first, index=0 will not be used self.n[i] = Number(i) self.chain = [] # store chains in this list # read define if file != "":
[docs] def get_all_pos(self, diff=[], method="a", num=0, chain=None, possibles=None): """get all postion""" rtn = [] for line in self.lineX: rtn = rtn + line.get_all_pos(method=method, num=num, chain=chain, diff=diff, possibles=possibles) return rtn
[docs] def sort_unassigned_pos_by_possibles(self, possibles=0): """Get unassign position's possible number list, format is [p1, p2,...] and Sorted By the possible numbers possibles: 0 for all, >=2, mean get only the possible numbers for it""" rtn = [] check = possibles >= 2 for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if self.p[i][j].v != 0: continue if check and len(self.p[i][j].possible) != possibles: continue rtn.append(self.p[i][j]) rtn = sorted(rtn, key=lambda pos: len(pos.possible)) return rtn
[docs] def can_see(self, p0, method="u", num=0): """get the possition list which can see the position, p method: "u": un-assigned positions, "a": all, "s": assigned positions num: if method="u", the position must have be possible to be filled the number """ rtn = [] for group in (self.lineX[p0.x].p, self.lineY[p0.y].p, self.b[p0.b].p): for p1 in group: if p1 == p0 or p1 in rtn: continue if method == "u": if p1.v != 0 or (num != 0 and num not in p1.possible): continue elif method == "s": if p1.v == 0: continue rtn.append(p1) return rtn
[docs] def setit(self, x, y, v, d="define", info=""): """set the position x, y to be the number v return: >=1 if set successfully, 0 if it can't be set the number v""" global checkPos # the position want to check sets = 0 if not self.allow(x, y, v): raise SudokuError(x, y, v, ACTION_SET) return 0 idx = self.p[x][y].b # the position(x, y)'s possible set to be empty self.p[x][y].possible.clear() # the filled numbers add one self.filled += 1 self.lineX[x].filled += 1 self.lineY[y].filled += 1 self.b[idx].filled += 1 # reduce every group's possible number set self.b[idx].possible.remove(v) self.lineX[x].possible.remove(v) self.lineY[y].possible.remove(v) # set number in this position sets += 1 self.p[x][y].v = v # reduce all effect's positions' possible numbers for p1 in self.can_see(self.p[x][y], method="u", num=v): rtn = self.reduce(p1.x, p1.y, v, d="set") if rtn >= 2: sets += 1 # record the number's position self.n[v].setit(self.p[x][y]) # record this step if d != "define": self.rec.append((x, y, v, ACTION_SET, d, info)) # check if it is done if self.filled == 81: raise SudokuDone(x, y, v) if DEBUG_MODE: # check the checkPos is set and now the position is it or not if checkPos and (x, y) in checkPos: raise SudokuWhenPosSet(x, y, v) #if d != "define": # print("set: p({0},{1})={2} by {3}({4})".format(x+1, y+1, v, d, info)) return sets
[docs] def print_rec(self): """Print all the steps of solving process""" i = 0 for x, y, v, t, d, info in self.rec: i += 1 print("{5:3d}-{4}: p({0},{1})={2} by {3} - {6}".format(x + 1, y + 1, v, d, t, i, info))
[docs] def reduce(self, x, y, v, d="set", check=False, info=""): """reduce the position(x, y)'s possible numbers from v Return:: int, as following 2 -- if set a number, 1 -- if just set number 0 -- if is not in the possible set, if check is True, it will raise an SudokuError exception """ global methodLoopIdx, methodIdx if len(self.p[x][y].possible) <= 1: raise SudokuError(x, y, v, ACTION_REDUCE) if v in self.p[x][y].possible: self.p[x][y].possible.remove(v) # record this step if d != "set": self.rec.append((x, y, v, ACTION_REDUCE, d, info)) return 1 else: if check: raise SudokuError(x, y, v, ACTION_REDUCE) else: return 0
[docs] def allow(self, x, y, v): """Checking if the position x, y, can be set the value v""" idx = self.p[x][y].b if self.p[x][y].v != 0 or not self.lineX[x].allow(v) or not self.lineY[y].allow(v) or not self.b[idx].allow(v): return False else: return True
[docs] def read(self, file): """Read Sudoku's Define from file""" global NowPath if not os.path.isfile(file): file = "data/" + file try: f = open(file, "r") except IOError: return -1 i = 0 for line in f: if len(line) > 0: index = line.split(",") x, y = (int(index[0]) - 1, int(index[1]) - 1) v = int(index[2]) self.setit(x, y, v) i += 1 return i
def __repr__(self): rtn = "" for i in range(9): for j in range(9): rtn = rtn + "{0:3d}".format(self.p[j][i].v) rtn += "\n" return rtn
[docs]def fill_only_one_possible(m, first=1, only=False): """Check every unassigned position, if it's possible numbers left one only WRITEN_POSSIBLE_LIMIT: True, Check position's writen is True or note False, don't check. Args: m: Matrix Object first (int): the first number of checking only (bool): just check the first number or not Returns: in the tuple format (sets, reduces, method Index to restart using, first, only) """ sets = 0 for line in m.p: for p1 in line: if (WRITEN_POSSIBLE_LIMITS == 0 or (WRITEN_POSSIBLE_LIMITS > 0 and p1.writen)) and p1.v == 0 and len( p1.possible) == 1: m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, p1.possible[0], d="Only One Possible") sets += 1 return sets, 0, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def fill_last_position_of_group(m, first=1, only=False): """If the un-assigned positions in a group(line or box) are only one left""" sets = 0 for grouptype in (m.lineX, m.lineY, m.b): for grp in grouptype: if grp.filled == 8: for p1 in grp.p: if p1.v == 0: m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, grp.possible[0], d="Last Position in a {0}: {1}".format(grp.__doc__, grp.idx)) sets += 1 break return sets, 0, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def fill_last_position_by_setting(m, sets): """When setting a number, may cause 1-3 groups left only one possible position check if a group have only position left, just set it""" recIdx = len(m.rec) - 1 idx = 1 rtn = 0 v = 1 # process every sets from the end of records while idx <= sets: while True: r = m.rec[recIdx] if r[3] != "s": recIdx -= 1 else: break x = r[0]; y = r[1] for group in (m.lineX[x], m.lineY[y], m.b[m.p[x][y].b]): if len(group.possible) != 1: continue for p1 in group.p: if p1.v == 0: v = group.possible[0] m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, v, d="Last Position By Setting") rtn += 1 idx += 1 # next settings return rtn, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, v, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def set_obvious_method_for_pos(m, method1, p1, v): """Check is there an more obvious method for the position, p1 than method1 Obvious methods include fillLastPostionOfGroup=0 and checkObviousNumber=1 return: True: set, False: not set """ if method1 > METHOD_FILL_LAST: # check p1 is an last postion in a group or not if m.lineX[p1.x].filled == 8 or m.lineY[p1.y].filled == 8 or m.b[p1.b].filled == 8: m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, v, d="Change To Be Last Position!") return True if method1 > METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS: info = "" # check p1 can get in an obvious way, like METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS for p2 in m.b[p1.b].get_all_pos(method="u", num=v, diff=[(p1.x, p1.y)]): if m.lineX[p2.x].allow(v): return False else: if ACTION_GET_INFO: info = info + repr(p2) + ", lineX(" + repr(m.lineX[p2.x].get_num_pos(v)) + ")\n" if m.lineY[p2.y].allow(v): return False else: if ACTION_GET_INFO: info = info + repr(p2) + ", lineY(" + repr(m.lineY[p2.y].get_num_pos(v)) + ")\n" # after checking every possible poses in a box other than the position, p1, # that not allowing for the number, v, so p1 must be v m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, v, d="checkObviousNumber", info=info) return True return False
[docs]def check_obvious_number(m, first=1, only=False): """Check every number which has been assigned and its effect's boxes' does not have assigned that number Only: False, check all numbers True, check the first number only first: the first number to be checked""" sets = 0 end = 9 if not only else 1 # if check the first number for i in range(end): num = first + i num = num if num < 10 else num - 9 checked = set() # save the checked box for p1 in m.n[num].p: for b in m.b[p1.b].effects: #print("check number {0} of pos({1},{2})!".format(num, p1.x, p1.y)) possible = [] info = "" # record how to descide to set if b in checked: continue else: checked.add(b) if num not in m.b[b].possible: continue for p2 in m.b[b].p: if p2.v != 0 or p2.can_see(p1) > 0: continue; if not m.lineX[p2.x].allow(num): if ACTION_GET_INFO: info = info + repr(p2) + ", lineX(" + repr(m.lineX[p2.x].get_num_pos(num)) + ")\n" continue if not m.lineY[p2.y].allow(num): if ACTION_GET_INFO: info = info + repr(p2) + ", lineY(" + repr(m.lineX[p2.x].get_num_pos(num)) + ")\n" continue #print(num, p2, p2.possible) possible.append(p2) if len(possible) == 1: sets += 1 flag_set_more_obvious = False if CHECK_MORE_OBVIOUS: flag_set_more_obvious = set_obvious_method_for_pos(m, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, possible[0], num) if not flag_set_more_obvious: m.setit(possible[0].x, possible[0].y, num, d="checkObviousNumber", info=info) # call self to solve the same number completely r = check_obvious_number(m, first=num, only=SCAN_ALL_NUMBER) sets += r[0] return sets, r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4] return sets, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def update_group_number(m, num): """Update the group number, num, in a box, and store those group number in list return: >=0 means the group number's amount in the matrix, m""" sets = 0 actions = 0 info = "" #m.n[num].group.clear() # empty first for i in range(9): # check every box if num not in m.b[i].possible or num in m.b[i].groupnumber: continue pos = m.b[i].get_all_pos(num=num, method='u') # if the possible position, just set it and return if len(pos) == 1: #print(m.b[i], pos, num) if ACTION_GET_INFO: pass SetInMoreObvious = False if CHECK_MORE_OBVIOUS: SetInMoreObvious = set_obvious_method_for_pos(m, 3, pos[0], num) if not SetInMoreObvious: m.setit(pos[0].x, pos[0].y, num, d="UpdateGroupNumber", info=info) return 1, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, num, SCAN_ONE_NUMBER gn = m.b[i].get_group_number(num, pos=pos) if gn is not None: m.n[num].group.append(gn) actions += 1 if actions > 0: sets, k, start, first, only = update_indirect_group_number(m, num) actions = actions + k else: start = METHOD_DEF_BEGIN first = SCAN_DEF_BEGIN only = SCAN_ALL_NUMBER return sets, actions, start, first, only
[docs]def update_indirect_group_number(m, num, amt=0, start=METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, first=SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, only=SCAN_ALL_NUMBER): """Update in-direct Group Number, formed by the assigned number and groupnumber already known, a recursive function""" info = "" for gn in m.n[num].group: effects = m.b[gn.b].effectsX if gn.direction == "x" else m.b[gn.b].effectsY #print(amt, effectBoxes, gn) for idx in effects: # check every effect box, does the possible position for the num can form a group # number or not # check if the num is existed in the box, or already as a groupnumber if num not in m.b[idx].possible or num in m.b[idx].groupnumber: continue if gn.direction == "x": pos = m.b[idx].get_all_pos(num=num, method='u', notInLineX=gn.idx) else: pos = m.b[idx].get_all_pos(num=num, method='u', notInLineY=gn.idx) if len(pos) == 1: if ACTION_GET_INFO: pass flag = False if CHECK_MORE_OBVIOUS: flag = set_obvious_method_for_pos(m, 4, pos[0], num) if not flag: m.setit(pos[0].x, pos[0].y, num, d="UpdateInDirectGroupNumber", info=info) return 1, amt, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, num, SCAN_ONE_NUMBER gn0 = m.b[idx].get_group_number(num, pos=pos) if gn0 is not None: m.n[num].group.append(gn0) amt += 1 # call self again to get all possible InDirect GroupNumber return update_indirect_group_number(m, num, amt=amt) return 0, amt, start, first, only
[docs]def check_inobvious_number(m, first=1, only=False): """Check every number which has been assigned and known as group-number and its effect's boxes' does not have assigned that number" Only: False, check all numbers True, check the first number only first: the first number to be checked""" sets = 0 actions = 0 end = 9 if not only else 1 # if check the first number for i in range(end): num = first + i num = num if num < 10 else num - 9 checked = set() # save the checked box sets, actions, start, first, only = update_group_number(m, num) if sets > 0: return sets, actions, start, first, only # check every box for bi in range(9): if num not in m.b[bi].possible: continue pos = [] info = "" for p1 in m.b[bi].get_all_pos(num=num, method="u"): gn = m.n[num].can_see_by_group_number(p1) if gn is not None: if ACTION_GET_INFO: info = info + repr(gn) + "\n" continue else: pos.append(p1) if len(pos) == 1: flag = False if CHECK_MORE_OBVIOUS: flag = set_obvious_method_for_pos(m, 5, pos[0], num) if not flag: m.setit(pos[0].x, pos[0].y, num, d="checkInObviousNumber", info=info) return 1, actions, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, num, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER return sets, actions, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def check_line_last_possible_for_number(m, first=1, only=False): """Check every line that only have one position for un-assigned number""" sets = 0 for groupType in (m.lineX, m.lineY): for line in groupType: if line.filled >= 8: continue for c in line.count_num_possible(count=1): p1 = c[1][0] info = "" if ACTION_GET_INFO: pass m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, c[0], d="checkLineLastPossibleForNumber", info=info) sets += 1 # if get one, just return, let other methods to process others return sets, 0, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, c[0], SCAN_ONE_NUMBER return sets, 0, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def write_down_possible(m, first=1, only=False): """Write down the possible numbers in every un-assigned position if WRITEN_POSSIBLE_LIMITS has set to 1..9, it will only write down the possibles which <= that limits""" global writeDownAlready writeDownAlready = True for line in m.p: for p1 in line: if p1.v != 0 or p1.writen: continue # if set writen limits and the possible numbers great it, just pretend it can not be seen for the user if 0 < WRITEN_POSSIBLE_LIMITS < len(p1.possible): continue p1.writen = True if len(p1.possible) == 1: v = p1.possible[0] m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, v, d="writeDownPossible") return 1, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, v, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER return 0, 0, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def reduce_by_group_number(m, first=1, only=False): """Reduce the possible number in a posiition by GroupNumber""" sets = 0 actions = 0 end = 9 if not only else 1 # if check the first number for i in range(9): num = first + i num = num if num < 10 else num - 9 for gn in m.n[num].group: for bi in m.b[gn.b].effectsX if gn.direction == "x" else m.b[gn.b].effectsY: for p1 in m.b[bi].get_all_pos(method="u", num=num): if p1.x == gn.idx if gn.direction == "x" else p1.y == gn.idx: rtn = m.reduce(p1.x, p1.y, num, d="reduceByGroupNumber") actions += 1 return sets, actions, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, num, SCAN_ONE_NUMBER
def get_chains(m, group, pos, numbers): # get the possible pos's numbers chain amt = 0 q = [] for p1 in pos: if len(p1.possible) <= numbers: q.append(p1) # if qualified positions is less than numbers, just return if len(q) < numbers: return [] rtn = [] for c in itertools.combinations(q, numbers): s = set() for p1 in c: s = s | set(p1.possible) if len(s) == numbers: chain = Chain(list(s), c) rtn.append(chain) m.chain.append(chain) for p1 in c: group.chain.append(p1) amt = amt + 1 return rtn
[docs]def update_chain(m, first=1, only=False): """Update the chain of line return: >=0 means the chain number's amount in the matrix, m""" sets = 0 reduces = 0 info = "" for groupType in (m.lineX, m.lineY, m.b): for g in groupType: pos = g.get_all_pos(method="u", chain=False) k = len(pos) if k == 0: continue elif k == 1: #print(g, g.idx, pos, k, pos[0].possible) m.setit(pos[0].x, pos[0].y, pos[0].possible[0], d="updateChain") return 1, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, pos[0].possible[0], SCAN_ALL_NUMBER else: maxChainNumbers = min(k, WRITEN_POSSIBLE_LIMITS) if WRITEN_POSSIBLE_LIMITS != 0 else k for i in range(1, maxChainNumbers): chains = get_chains(m, g, pos, i + 1) if len(chains) == 0: continue # reduce by chain and return for chain in chains: for p1 in g.get_all_pos(method="u", diff=chain.posList): for v in chain.numList: if v in p1.possible: m.reduce(p1.x, p1.y, v, d="updateChain", info=repr(chain)) reduces += 1 if reduces > 0: return 0, reduces, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER return sets, reduces, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def reduce_by_two_possible_in_one_position(m, first=1, only=False): """when a position(p1) has two possible numbers only, we can assume if the position is one number(first) then try to emulate to set the position with the other number(second), then see the first number will be filled in a position(p2) which the position can see it if so, we can reduce all these positions which can see p1 and p2 at the same time from the first number""" reduces = 0 sets = 0 for p1 in m.get_all_pos(method="u", possibles=2): for i in range(2): if i == 0: first, second = p1.possible else: second, first = p1.possible pos = m.can_see(p1, method="u", num=first) if len(pos) <= 1: continue else: targets = [(p.x, p.y) for p in pos] rtn, m1, idx = emulator(m, p1.x, p1.y, second, targets=targets, checkval=first) if rtn == 2: m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, second, d="Emulate it and solve the sudoku!") return 1, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, second, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER elif rtn == 1: p0 = m.p[targets[idx][0]][targets[idx][1]] for x, y in p0.can_see_those(targets): if first in m.p[x][y].possible: #print("{4} and {5} reduce ({0},{1})'s possilbe={2} from {3}".format(x+1, y+1, m.p[x][y].possible, first, p1, p0)) r = m.reduce(x, y, first, d="reduceByTwoPossibleInOnePostion{0}, first={1}, second={2} with postion:{3}".format( (p1.x, p1.y), first, second, p0)) if r == 1: reduces += 1 elif r == 2: sets += 1 if sets > 0 or reduces > 0: return sets, reduces, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER elif rtn == -1: m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, first, d="Emulate it and it causes error, so the number must be another!") return 1, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, first, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER else: continue return sets, reduces, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def reduce_by_emulate_possible_in_one_position(m, first=1, only=False): """when a position(p1) has 2 or more possible numbers, we can emulate every possible number and get its result, 1. if it causes an error, we can reduce that number, 2. if it can solve the sudoku, we can set this number, 3. if all possible number can's get condition 1 or 2, we can compare their rec, if they have the same records, we can do it. """ global emulatePossibles print("reduceByEmulatePossibleInOnePositions: {0}".format(emulatePossibles)) reduces = 0 sets = 0 emu = [] # record the emulate method, [(p1,v),....] result = [] # save the emulate result of matrix for every possible number for p1 in m.get_all_pos(method="u", possibles=emulatePossibles): for num in p1.possible: emu.append((p1, num)) rtn, m1, idx = emulator(m, p1.x, p1.y, num) if rtn == 2: m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, num, d="Emulate it and solve the sudoku!") return 1, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, num, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER elif rtn == -1: m.reduce(p1.x, p1.y, num, d="Emulate it and it causes error, so the number can be reduce!") return 0, 1, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER else: result.append(m1) continue if len(result) == emulatePossibles: sets, reduces = compare_result(m, emu, result) return sets, reduces, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def reduce_by_emulate_possible_number_in_group(m, first=1, only=False): """when a group(lineX, lineY, Box) has 2 or more position have the same possible number, we can emulate every position to set the number and get its result, 1. if it causes an error, we can reduce the position's possible number from that number, 2. if it can solve the sudoku, we can set this number in the position, 3. if all possible position can's get condition 1 or 2, we can compare their rec, if they have the same records, we can do it. """ global emulatePossibles print("reduceByEmulatePossibleNumberInGroup: {0}".format(emulatePossibles)) reduces = 0 sets = 0 emu = [] # record the emulate method, [(p1,v),....] result = [] # save the emulate result of matrix for every possible number for groupType in (m.lineX, m.lineY, m.b): for idx in range(9): for num, pos in groupType[idx].count_num_possible(count=emulatePossibles): for p1 in pos: emu.append((p1, num)) rtn, m1, idx = emulator(m, p1.x, p1.y, num) if rtn == 2: m.setit(p1.x, p1.y, num, d="Emulate it and solve the sudoku!") return 1, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, num, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER elif rtn == -1: m.reduce(p1.x, p1.y, num, d="Emulate it and it causes error, so the number can be reduce!") return 0, 1, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER else: result.append(m1) continue if len(result) == emulatePossibles: s, r = compare_result(m, emu, result) sets += s reduces += r return sets, reduces, METHOD_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_DEF_BEGIN, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]def compare_result(m, emu, result): """compare the result list, to check if there are same result in every step after the last record of original m.rec if same for all emulate result, it means that it must be true, so can do by it """ global emulatePossibles sets = 0 reduces = 0 recIdx = len(m.rec) results = len(result) m1 = result[0] # use the first result to compare with others i = 0 for r1 in m1.rec[recIdx:]: i += 1 # step idx of m1 info = "The #{0} step of the {1} emulate as {2} is same with follows:".format(i, emu[0][0], emu[0][1]) same = 0 resultIdx = 0 for m2 in result[1:]: resultIdx += 1 idx = 0 # step idx of others for r2 in m2.rec[recIdx:]: idx += 1 if (r1[0], r1[1], r1[2], r1[3]) == (r2[0], r2[1], r2[2], r2[3]): if ACTION_GET_INFO: info = info + "\nThe #{0} step of the {1} emulate as {2}".format(idx, emu[resultIdx][0], emu[resultIdx][1]) same += 1 break if same == results - 1: if r1.t == "s": sets += 1 m.setit(r1[0], r1[1], r1[2], d="compareResult for {0} emulate!".format(results), info=info) else: reduces += 1 m.reduce(r1[0], r1[1], r1[2], d="compareResult for {0} emulate!".format(results), info=info) return sets, reduces
[docs]def emulator(m, x, y, v, targets=[], checkval=0): """emulate the x, y to be set v, then start to use some basic methods to try to solve it will stop when and return 1: one of the targets have been set the checkval 2: isDone -1: error is True 0: all basic methods have been tested, and can't solve and the result matrix""" global writeDownAlready, checkPos check_pos_save = checkPos m1 = copy.deepcopy(m) if len(targets) > 0: check_target = True checkPos = targets else: check_target = False methodLoopIdx = 0 begin = time.time() allmethods = reg_method() start = METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS # start from for the first time num = 1 only = False rtn = 0 idx = 0 # the index of the targets, which = checkval emulate_first = True while True: actions = 0 methodLoopIdx += 1 try: if emulate_first: #print(m1.p[2][2].possible) #print("Emulator Start in P({0},{1})={2}!".format(x, y, v)) m1.setit(x, y, v, d="Emulator Start!") emulate_first = False for method in allmethods[start:METHOD_BASIC_LEVEL]: methodIdx = method.idx # every method have 5 return values: # sets: how many positions have been set # reduces: how many numbers have been reduced # start: which method will start to be used, default is 1 # num: which number will be the first number to be procossed, for methods that look over all numbers # only: for methods which look over all numbers to process one only, which is the num sets, reduces, start, num, only =, first=num, only=only) #print("Emulate#{0}-{2}: {1}, sets={3}, reduces={4}".format(methodLoopIdx,, methodIdx, sets, reduces)) if sets > 0: rtn = fill_last_position_by_setting(m1, sets) if rtn[0] > 0: start = rtn[2]; first = rtn[3]; only = rtn[4] #print("Emulate#{0}-last: {1}, sets={3}, reduces={4}".format(methodLoopIdx, "LastPosition", methodIdx, rtn, reduces)) sets = sets + rtn[0] if (sets > 0 or reduces > 0) and writeDownAlready: rtn = fill_only_one_possible(m1) if rtn[0] > 0: sets = rtn[0]; start = rtn[2]; first = rtn[3]; only = rtn[4] #print("Emulate#{0}-only: {1}, sets={3}, reduces={4}".format(methodLoopIdx, "LastPossible", methodIdx, rtn, reduces)) if sets > 0 or reduces > 0: actions = actions + sets + reduces break except SudokuDone as err: print("It is done by the last position({0},{1}) to set to be {2}!".format(err.x, err.y, err.v)) rtn = 2 break except SudokuWhenPosSet as err: #print("It is stopped by the position({0}) be set! method={1}".format(checkPos, methodIdx)) if err.v == checkval: idx = targets.index((err.x, err.y)) rtn = 1 break else: continue except SudokuError as err: rtn = -1 print("It is impossible for {0}, {1} to set/reduce {2}! ({3})".format(err.x, err.y, err.v, err.t)) #traceback.print_exc() break except: # unexpected error print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) traceback.print_exc() break if actions <= 0: break #restore checkPos = check_pos_save #print(checkPos) return rtn, m1, idx
[docs]def try_error(m=None, file="", depth=0): """Try Error Method, only fill the first possible postion""" if file != "": m = Matrix(file=file) possibles = m.sort_unassigned_pos_by_possibles() done = False depth += 1 m1 = copy.deepcopy(m) p1 = possibles[0] k = len(p1.possible) if k <= 0: #print("try#{0}: {1} has empty possible!".format(depth, p1)) return False elif k == 1: #print("try#{0}: {1} has only one possible!, set it to {2}".format(depth, p1, p1.possible[0])) try: m1.setit(p1.x, p1.y, p1.possible[0], d="try") flag = try_error(m1, depth=depth) if flag: return True else: return False except SudokuDone: print(m1) return True except SudokuError: return False else: flag = False m2 = copy.deepcopy(m1) for v in p1.possible: try: if m1.allow(p1.x, p1.y, v): #print("try#{0}: {1} try set it to be {2} of {3}".format(depth, p1, v, p1.possible)) m1.setit(p1.x, p1.y, v, d="try") flag = try_error(m1, depth=depth) if flag: return True else: m1 = copy.deepcopy(m2) continue else: #print("try#{0}: {1} is impossible to be set to be {2}".format(depth, p1, v)) continue except SudokuDone as err: print(m1) done = True return True except SudokuError as err: m1 = copy.deepcopy(m2) continue if not flag: #print("try#{2}: {0} is not impossible to set any for {1}".format(p1, p1.possible, depth)) # restore it and continue # m1 = copy.deepcopy(m) return False else: #print(p1, p1.v, p1.possible) return True
[docs]def guess(m, idx=0, first=0, only=False): """Guess Method""" global tryStack, tryIdx, Scope, Level # if start using tryMethod, set the level to the METHOD_LEVEL_LIMIT_WHENTRY Level = METHOD_LEVEL_LIMIT_WHENTRY Scope += 5 # it is easy as the method of write down possible if idx == 0: # Add New Try tryIdx += 1 possibles = m.sort_unassigned_pos_by_possibles() # get all unassigned postion and sorted by the possibles number m1 = copy.deepcopy(m) p1 = possibles[0] # the first un-assigned postion x = p1.x; y = p1.y tryStack.append([m1, x, y, 0]) print("Try Add: {0},{1} to set {2} of {3}".format(x, y, p1.possible[0], p1.possible)) else: i = tryIdx - 1 tryStack[i][3] = idx x = tryStack[i][1]; y = tryStack[i][2] print("Try Idx={3}: {0},{1} to set {2} of {4}".format(x, y, m.p[x][y].possible[idx], idx, m.p[x][y].possible)) v = m.p[x][y].possible[idx] m.setit(x, y, v, d="try") return 1, 0, METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS, v, SCAN_ALL_NUMBER
[docs]class SolveMethod(): """Method Object""" lastNumber = 1 def __init__(self, fun, idx, name="", level=0, obvious=True): = fun self.idx = idx = name if name != "" else fun.__name__ self.des = fun.__doc__ self.level = level # the difficult level for human, can be set 0-9 self.obvious = obvious def run(self, m, *args, **ks): return, *args, **ks)
[docs]def reg_method(): """register all method as an object and save them into a list to return""" global tryUse, emuUse methods = [] #methods.append(SolveMethod(fillOnlyOnePossible, 0, level=0)) methods.append(SolveMethod(fill_last_position_of_group, 1, level=0)) methods.append(SolveMethod(check_obvious_number, 2, level=1)) methods.append(SolveMethod(check_line_last_possible_for_number, 3, level=2)) methods.append(SolveMethod(check_inobvious_number, 4, level=3)) methods.append(SolveMethod(reduce_by_group_number, 5, level=5)) methods.append(SolveMethod(write_down_possible, 6, level=5)) methods.append(SolveMethod(update_chain, 7, level=10)) methods.append(SolveMethod(reduce_by_two_possible_in_one_position, 8, level=15)) if emuUse: methods.append(SolveMethod(reduce_by_emulate_possible_in_one_position, 9, level=20)) methods.append(SolveMethod(reduce_by_emulate_possible_number_in_group, 10, level=20)) if tryUse: methods.append(SolveMethod(guess, 11, level=0)) return methods
[docs]def solve(file, loop_limit=0, rec_limit=0, check=None, level_limit=0, emu_limits=2, use_try=METHOD_USE_TRY, use_emu=METHOD_USE_EMU): """Solve a sudoku which define in a file! loopLimit: the limit for the method loops, 0: no limits recLimit: when the records >= recLimit, it will stop, 0: no limits""" global methodLoopIdx # how many method loops it has taken global methodIdx # the method idx of now running global checkPos # setting the position want to check global writeDownAlready # if the every un-assigned positions have been writen down their possible number? global emulatePossibles # set the emulate possibles global tryStack, tryIdx, tryUse, Scope, emuUse global Level writeDownAlready = False checkPos = check methodLoopIdx = 0 begin = time.time() m = Matrix(file=file) start = METHOD_CHECK_OBVIOUS # start from for the first time num = 1 only = False Scope = 0 max_method = 0 tryIdx = 0 tryUse = use_try emuUse = use_emu tryStack = [] allmethods = reg_method() Level = level_limit while True: actions = 0 methodLoopIdx += 1 try: for method in allmethods[start:]: if 0 < Level < method.level: continue methodIdx = method.idx # every method have 5 return values: # sets: how many positions have been set # reduces: how many numbers have been reduced # start: which method will start to be used, default is 1 # num: which number will be the first number to be procossed, for methods that look over all numbers # only: for methods which look over all numbers to process one only, which is the num sets, reduces, start, num, only =, first=num, only=only) Scope = Scope + method.level max_method = max(max_method, method.idx) print("Try#{0}-{2}: {1}, sets={3}, reduces={4}".format(methodLoopIdx,, methodIdx, sets, reduces)) if sets > 0: rtn = fill_last_position_by_setting(m, sets) if rtn[0] > 0: start, first, only = rtn[2:] print( "Try#{0}-last: {1}, sets={3}, reduces={4}".format(methodLoopIdx, "LastPosition", methodIdx, rtn, reduces)) sets = sets + rtn[0] if (sets > 0 or reduces > 0) and writeDownAlready: rtn = fill_only_one_possible(m) if rtn[0] > 0: sets = rtn[0] start, first, only = rtn[2:] print( "Try#{0}-only: {1}, sets={3}, reduces={4}".format(methodLoopIdx, "LastPossible", methodIdx, rtn, reduces)) if DEBUG_MODE: if 0 < rec_limit <= len(m.rec): raise SudokuStop() if sets > 0 or reduces > 0: emulatePossibles = 2 # if any thing work, the emulatePossible set to the begin number actions = actions + sets + reduces break except SudokuDone as err: print("It is done by the last position({0},{1}) to set to be {2}!".format(err.x, err.y, err.v)) break except SudokuStop: print("It is stop by the limit of recLimit set to {0}:".format(rec_limit)) m.print_rec() break except SudokuWhenPosSet: print("It is stopped by the position({0}) be set! method={1}".format(checkPos, methodIdx)) traceback.print_exc() break except SudokuError as err: if tryUse and tryIdx > 0: flag = False while tryIdx > 0: m1, x, y, idx = tryStack[tryIdx - 1] idx += 1 if len(m1.p[x][y].possible) > idx: m = copy.deepcopy(m1) sets, reduces, start, num, only = guess(m, idx=idx) flag = True break else: tryIdx -= 1 tryStack.pop(-1) if flag: continue print("It is impossible for {0}, {1} to set/reduce {2}! ({3})".format(err.x, err.y, err.v, err.t)) traceback.print_exc() break except KeyboardInterrupt: traceback.print_exc() break if DEBUG_MODE: # for testing if methodLoopIdx == loop_limit: break if actions <= 0: if emulatePossibles < emu_limits: Scope += 1000 emulatePossibles += 1 print("Try emulate numbers = {0}".format(emulatePossibles)) start = METHOD_EMULATE_START continue else: break print(m) if m.filled < 81: print("Can't solve it, still need {0} more effort!".format(81 - m.filled)) else: print( "Done! good job, it takes {0}! Level={1}, Methods Used={2}".format(time.time() - begin, Scope, max_method)) return m